
The contents of this website contain general guidance only and should not be relied upon as a substitute for appropriate technical expertise. Although reasonable precautions have been taken to verify the information contained herein, it is being accessed without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. This website’s contents have been prepared with the input of various (“Regenx”) members and other parties. However, the responsibility for the adoption and application of any information contained herein rests solely with each individual member company. At no stage does Regenx or any individual company accept responsibility for the failures or liabilities of any other member company, and expressly disclaims the same. Each Regenx member company is responsible for determining and implementing management practices at its facility, and Regenx expressly disclaims any responsibility related to determination or implementation of any management practice. Moreover, although Regenx and its members are committed to a goal of zero fatalities at any mine site or facility, as mining is an inherently hazardous industry.
In no event shall Regenx (including its officers, directors, and affiliates, as well as its contributors, reviewers, or editors to this publication) be liable for damages or losses of any kind, however arising, from the use of or reliance on this website or its contents, or implementation of any plan, policy, guidance, or decision, or the like, contained herein. Regenx, its officers, and its directors expressly disclaim any liability of any nature whatsoever, whether under equity, common law, tort, contract, estoppel, negligence, strict liability, or any other theory, for any direct, incidental, special, punitive, consequential, or indirect damages arising from or related to the use of or reliance on this website or its contents. The responsibility for the interpretation and use of any material herein lies with the user (who should not assume that it is error-free or that it will be suitable for the user’s purpose) and Regenx. Regenx’s officers and directors assume no responsibility whatsoever for errors or omissions or in other source materials that are referenced by this website, and expressly disclaim the same.
Except where explicitly stated otherwise, any views expressed do not necessarily represent the decisions or the stated policy of Regenx, its officers, or its directors, and the contents herein do not constitute a position statement or other mandatory commitment that members of Regenx are obliged to adopt under the Regenx Sustainable Development Framework.
Regenx, its officers, and its directors are not responsible for, and make no representation(s) about, the content or reliability of linked websites, and linking should not be taken as endorsement of any kind. We have no control over the availability of linked pages and accept no responsibility for them.
The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of Regenx, its officers, or its directors concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning delimitation of any frontiers or boundaries. In addition, the mention of specific entities, individuals, source materials, trade names, or commercial processes in this publication does not constitute endorsement by Regenx, its officers, or its directors.
This disclaimer should be construed in accordance with the laws of Canada and the United States.